Board of Education Members

Pictured Left to Right: Skeat Hug, Karen Beck, Jeremy Hurst, Gina Benecke, Tyson Stuckey

Current Board Meeting Report

Archbold Area Schools Board Meeting Summary for March 18, 2024

Approved February 26, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes.

Approved February 2024 Financial Reports. 

Approved the 2024-2025 agreement with NWOESC for instructional services. 

Approved participation in the OHI Charter Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Program for 2025 policy year.

Authorized the distribution of proceeds from the high school concessions account to the student activity accounts and organizations.

Approved Fund Transfer of $1,920.11 from General Fund (001) to Turbine Maintenance (003-9001).

Approved the following changes:

Appropriation Modifications

+ $21,500 HS Principals Fund Concessions (018/9030)

+ $448.75 Wellness Program Awards (200/9002)

+ 592.59 OneNet Network Connectivity (451/9207)

+ $805.32 Title I FY24 (572/9224)

+ $643.73 Title II-A FY24 (590/9224)

- $4960.91 IDEA-B FY24 (516/9224)

- $13.74 ECSE FY24 (587/9000)

Estimated Resource Changes

+ $21,500 HS Principals Fund Concessions (018/9030)

+ $592.59 OneNet Network Connectivity (451/9207)

+ $805.32 Title I FY24 (572/9224)

+ $643.73 Title II-A FY24 (590/9224)

- $4960.91 IDEA-B FY24 (516/9224)

- $13.74 ECSE FY24 (587/9000)

Accepted the following donations for the month of February 2024:

$500 from Fulton County Cattle Feeders to FFA (200/9330)

$250 from Anonymous to Athletic Fund (300/9500)

$250 from Archbold Athletic Boosters to Athletic Fund (300/9500)

$2,000 from Terry Henricks Auto Group to Athletic Fund (300/9500)

$100 from Anonymous to Football Team Account (300/9501)

$250 from Anonymous to Football Team Account (300/9501)

$1,895 from various donors to Wrestling Team Account (300/9502)

Approved an overnight trip for the high school band and choir to New York City for November 22 - 25, 2024.

Approved an overnight trip for the FFA to Ireland for June 22 - July 1, 2025.

Approved a purchase agreement contract with Tubby’s Retirement LLC for the acquisition of property located at Blue Streak Drive Archbold, OH 43502.

Approved the paraprofessional substitute list provided by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.

Accepted the retirement resignation of Dina Gladieux effective May 31, 2024.

Approved Jill Martinez for a one-year contract as a Grade Level High Dosage Tutor for the 2023-2024 school year, effective March 4, 2024.

Approved the Administrative Salary Increases for the 2024-2025 school year.

Accepted the retirement resignation of Ann Dominique effective June 1, 2024.

Approved one-year contracts for Tanner Wyse (50%) and Toby Walker (50%) as 9th Grade Baseball Coach for the 2023-2024 school year.

Approved the salary schedule placement for the following certified employees who have taken additional education courses: 



Education Level


Jamie Zagarella



Kelly Boulton



Michele Gladieux


Approved the substitute teacher list provided by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.


Links to Reports:

Superintendent Report

Monthly Financial Report - January 2024

Elementary Principal Report

Middle School Principal Report

High School Principal Report

Curriculum Director